Saturday 2 January 2010

The Laughing Jesus

An excerpt from a brilliant book, 'The Laughing Jesus' by Freke and Gandy, about the true nature of reality.

1. You have a dual nature. You appear to be a person but essentially you are awareness.

2. Lucid living is adopting a both/and perspective in which you are concious of both your apparent nature and your essential nature.

3. As awareness you are a spacious emptiness which contains the world. You are a timeless presence which witnesses the flow of experiences which we call 'time'.

4. Life is like a dream in which one awareness is becoming conscious through infinitely various forms.

5. We are unconciously one and conciously many. Gnosis is becoming conscious that all is essentially one.

6. Awakening to oneness is the experience of big love. Knowing you are one with all you find yourself in love with all.

7. The purpose of life is to love being this moment. When you are driven solely by other desires you miss the point and become engrossed in the life-dream.

8. The foibles which keep you unconcious in the life dream are your qualities which have become distorted because you presume yourself to be an isolated individual.

9. The way to love appearing to be a person is to become concious of your impersonal essential nature as awareness.

10. Lucid living is a state of enlivenment. It is loving being human.

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