Wednesday 18 January 2012

A room with no ceiling

Eagles scream, sore above the sky, picking at the clouds like candy floss.

 But where is that man I saw before with the hat and the stick?

 He was walking down some lost country lane through babbles of squawking rooks and creaky rusted gates, green wellington boots floating in the wind.

But the view at the top was so spacious and free like a room with no ceiling. I sat on the bench and watched the smoke float up into the blue summer sky. I was home. I was free. Only me and the view.

 Then I heard the children laughing in the field below.

 They were all dressed in pink tuxedoes, whirring round and round like spinning wheels pushed by Egyptians under a pink sun.

Two girls were holding a skipping rope and the one in the middle, a little purple girl with pig tails and an anaemic teddy bear was jumping and jumping.

A strange man with rimless glasses was watching from the sidelines. He was sweating and rubbing the condensation off the glass.

 She just went right over to him. She jumped at him and starting biting. Her teeth were like electric saws cutting through cheese.

Spatters of gold paint covered the grass and sparkled in the twilight.

The children had long since disappeared but I still heard their laughter.

By now the sky was pink and orange, the city spread out before me like a Roman arena. I realized that I did not have to walk, I could just fly across and look down on it all like a bee in a summer garden. So I climbed up into the sky and started moving my arms about and slower and slower I went higher and higher.

Then I was flying


eagles screams and sores above the sky picking at the clouds like candy floss where is that man i saw before with the hat and the stick he was walking down some lost country lane through babbles of squawking rooks and creaky rusted gates green wellington boots floating in the wind

But the view at the top was so spacious and free like a room with no ceiling and I just sat on the bench and watched the smoke float up into the blue summer sky I was home I was free only me and this view and then I heard the children laughing in the field bellow they were all dressed in pink tuxedos and they were whirring round and round like spinning wheels pushed by Egyptians under a pink sun two grils were holding a skipping rope and the one in the middle a little purple girl with pig tails and an anaemic teddy bear was jumping and jumping there was a strange man with rimless glasses watching from the sidelines and sweating rubbing the condensation of the glass but she just went right over to him and she jumped at him and starting biting her teeth were like electric saws cutting through cheese

Spatters of gold paint covered the grass and sparkled in the twilight the children had long since disappeared but I still hear their laughter by now the sky was pink and orange the city spread out before me like a roman arena and I realized that I did not have to walk that I could just fly across and look down on it all like a bee in a summer garden so i climbed up into the sky and started moving my arms about and slower and slower I went higher and higher and then I was flying 

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