Tuesday 18 January 2011

A Sad Parody

You need to get off that mountain. You live down here now.

The ice blue and the sky pink. Moon hung over the high rise. But how did I get here, of all places? The city lights reborn. Yellow cranes. Wing lights flicker, expectant.

Tired of the dark. Breath became mist. Smoke floated through the dark. You could taste it crackling. Comforting somehow, to think of orange flames, gentle sofas and moving images.

That place, exactly the same. Recognised him from school. Had long hair back then. Best to pretend. £3.65 please.

Same boat as I. The mickey mouse course, a sad parody. Tease you with a glimpse and then rip it away again.

Thought I saw the old school librarian walking down the road at lunch. Similar legs.

Another plane. Follow it across the cityscape until it vanishes. Imagine all the people living in the little houses below. They always say you're running away from something. Prefer it if you rot.

Need to let go. That place. Dreamt that Year 8 had bought me a Christmas present, all nicely wrapped. Forgot to open it. Brown paper bag. Wonder who stands in front of them now? I still wake up and think I have to go in.
Can't step out of it any more. Swept along like a piece of wood. Even when I sit there, in front of the candles. Still have to return. Wonder is there a plan or is it all just blind groping? Don't hide your light under a bushel.

Love this song. Forgot how much. Dark, atmospheric, beautiful. Just perfect. Like floating through a dream.
Makes me want to go outside. Breath in the cold winter moonlight bouncing off the roof. So many stars.

Wrapped in cold late at night.

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