Sunday 9 January 2011

The Matrix

In the dream city, there was a dream person.

"Everyone thinks they know what's going on, but they don't know anything. Less of all, themselves."

Billie Holiday stares out from behind the fog. So much sadness.

But that old woman with those bright blue eyes. She came to me last night as I was drifting off to sleep. It was like she was alive. Maybe I'll find her some day.

The forest when we all sat around in that circle. It was so alive. The insects, the birds, the smell of the vegetation. The blue sky. I felt like a child. That was real.

But then all this madness. Bombarded with images, filled up with lies. What I'd like to know, is who decides what makes the news? The great cover up.

Cheryl Cole chats to Piers Morgan

Stern but sympathetic he gently probes her with questions about the break up of her marriage. She wipes a tear away, artfully, and the camera goes in for a close up.

We're all morons.

Keep us dumb, feed us lies constantly. Tranquilize ourselves with Eastenders and alcohol. "To view but a small portion, and think that all".

Dreams they can't control. Whole worlds spread out before us.

The guy with the dreads and the baby in the waiting room. Beautiful tatoos all over its head. Aeons of knowledge. The old ones returning. But how could we bear it?  They sink in all around us so that we don't even notice. This world would tear someone like that apart.

Slumped in front of a TV screen, why be alive?

Sometimes walking about the world she want to scream. You're all zombies! Can't you see how stuck you are in this insidious web? How has it got to this?

 Madness is collectively created and shared by millions. Go undercover. Can't watch the news with its hidden agenda. No, better to sit and let this music sweep over me.

Nectar. I want to swim in it, breathe it in . No TV, no newspapers- Just this.

But still, you feel powerless in front of all the rest. The great cover up, the great lie.

 Millions of others sharing this dreamscape. Preparing the way so the world, with its Camerons, and Cowells, and Coles, won't chew them into little pieces and spit them out.

They can't. Not when this music exists. Meet in the aether. Dreamgates. They can't take away the sunrise.

An orange ball rising slowly across the white field. The snow was so pure and crisp. I saw myself in a dream walking towards it.

Fear is their only weapon. Beauty and Love win out every time. Turn off the news. See how they try to fill you up with fear, make you suspicious, uneasy, untrusting. They can't take away the sunrise.

Slipping and sliding over the ice I trekked up through the forest, past the waterfall.

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