Saturday 15 December 2012

Concrete Sky

Slate grey sky pushing through my windows.  Bare tree claws stooping sinisterly over a coal tit.

The clock ticking is the only sound.. It seems to be burrowing through the wall.

In the bleak mid-winter a dead swan was frozen on a snow-covered lake.

The book case makes me feel lethargic. Accusatory spines glance out, neglected. A little fly keeps swarming around the sofa.

My neck is broken and the cushion is too real.

The TV is an opaque monstrosity. Its black face regards me indifferently.

The whiskey was too much but necessary, after the clitoris and the shower. My ears bled, so I drank.

Outside the canteen the school was eerie. Dead corridors and darkness. Walking into my classroom, wine-headed I held a whisky.

The colour-coded timetable looked ridiculous. A drunken lesson to an invisible class.

My feelings did not tally so I dispersed to the stair top to have a cigarette.

I know how Jesus felt. This is my cross and that which I must bear. But god. I hate them so. Her contorted face sour like a lemon cursing in my face

I must not let it filter through to my weekend, I must not, but still.

I woke up after a few hours of passed out sleep wide awake, and still drunk.

So I got up and watched Holiday Inn

Funny how the film is seen as a warm-hearted Christmas classic, best known for the fireside scene with Bing Crosby crooning White Christmas.

The hideous racist spectacle of the black faced white performers on Lincoln's birthday singing about slavery is all but ignored. Conveniently edited out and hilariously juxtaposed with the 'Freedom Song' for Independence Day.

Fred Astaire's fire cracker dance routine was pretty awesome though.

Then I curled up in bed with 'The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity'. Though the title may lead you to believe that it was about two drags queens road-tripping across the States, this is not the case.

It is in effect a mostly forgotten Bible book about Christian martyrs and Wild Animals.

A nice, pleasant read before bed time as you can imagine. Sent me right off.

The concrete sky is looking pretty unappealing right now, and the snow and the wind is adding to my unfavourable impression.

A trek into the city is distinctly uninspiring, even with the free cinema ticket.

But I may have to, otherwise I will melt into this tired old sofa,  my rotting corpse left for the deer I  love so much to feed upon.

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