Sunday 28 November 2010

Against My Will

Sitting on the train with Dan I hear a man crying. He is wearing a tuxedo, a red bow tie, and a top hat. He has bushy grey eyebrows and purple eyes. A little girl pokes his head and laughs. The landscape flies past like gold.

Flies float around a tent under a blue sky. The heat is sticky and smelly. A couple sit in a cafe holding hands and gazing into eachother's eyes, while a man gently strums a guitar and swallows hop around the ground, eating crumbs.

The bar maid is a slut, but a very pretty one. She is a buxom blonde with lavish curls and a heaving bosom. When she laughs she snorts like a pig. She fiddles with her skirt which sits uneasily on her leg.

Her husband is a fat bald man with a red face. He looks like a disenfranchised monkey. There are huge wet patches under his arms.

A pigeon has got in and they are trying to shoo it out with a broomstick.

Outside a man sits on a stone wall gazing out into the ocean. The sun hangs like an orange lantern surrounded by smoke. The man is old and wears a farmer's cap. He has a large wart on his left ankle.

He is chatting to an impassive seagull about his wife and how she died. He doesn't realise that she is standing beside him in a pink speckled dress. Little boats bob on the horizon and vultures circle round like mosquitoes.

A corpse with a large nose sits at a grand piano. His spindly hands flash across the keys like ghosts released from hell. They spiral out and circle the room before dispersing like a dream.

A bang comes from upstairs. It is a child playing with dolls with red eyes. She makes them dance on flames and jump into wheelbarrows. Two cats appear from nowhere.

The child is now and adult who has just woken up from a nightmare. She wobbles down the stairs, disorientated and terrific. The silhouette of the cat sits imoveable and silent on the wall like a demon from hell. Its green eyes flicker under the stars.

The woman screams in terror

"TRACEY!" Tracey comes running down the stairs in her pink nightdress, her eyes dilated like chocolate drops.

"But why?" asks the boy, broken-hearted. He is sitting in the grass in front of city hall. His lover looks at him silently and turns away, becoming another stranger in the crowd.

The barn was white and clear in the morning sunlight. The roof was shining like fire. A gate creaked back and forth as a light breeze blew along the walkway.

A woman in a fur hat was skipping along merrily as her dog, a little dauchaund, bit at people's feet. The bedcloathes sprung up against my will.

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