Monday 29 November 2010

Alphonse (Edited)

Grey sky, grey faces huddling under hats and cloaks, shuffling by a metallic sea. Cold fingers pinch their skin and mock their discomfort. A backdrop of seagulls circling as the pier gets eaten up by the grey fog that has descended and snatched the blue sky.

A misunderstood dream of an unanswered phonecall leads me to contact a stranger. This leads me to a long path in the forest under a disinterested silver moon. A wrinkled old Sibyl cackles like a mental patient sitting on a beach. She dances through the dark forest playing on the pipe.

A naked black boy smiles at me for underneath a tree smoking hash. His cock bulges from underneath his tight shorts. I waken up with a hard-on and piercing eyes.

Alphonse waves up at me through the window. He asks if I want to go to meditation. We float along the winding cobbled streets, passing a fat woman in a pink tracksuit. A toothless old man with a long beard sways from side to side in front of his origami swans. I catch his eyes alighting on mine but then he gets swallowed up by the darkness.

An old woman with white hair in a bun and pink lipstick asks me if, perchance, I have seen her husband. She is wearing lime green tracksuit bottoms.

Alphonse and I venture down an alleyway smelling of piss. It is suddenly dark and the moon reflects off his mask. His eyes are grey and he unzips his trousers.

A Buddhist monk appears in the alleyway, chanting a Lady GaGa song. He is in a deep meditative trance. The old woman who asked if I had seen her husband offers me a reiki session.

The rain runs down the street. It is a cold winter's evening. The sky is bursting with stars but all I can see are the city lights. I am in the countryside walking along an empty road. I am surrounded by fields, stars and white moonlight. A barn owl glides silently across my path. I follow it until it disappears.

I am in a field smoking hash with a boy with black hair. He turns into the old woman in the green tracksuit bottoms. She asks if I am ready for my Reiki session yet. I tell her I will let her know once I go out to the balcony and have a cigarette.

I eat the cigarette. The boy appears and we drink the thick, noxious liquid. When I open my eyes he has turned into an old man with sores. He asks if I would like a massage. I lie down on the bed.

I am afraid of masturbating in front of the cat.

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