Saturday 14 November 2009

To sleep or not to sleep

The past few weeks I have been having real difficulty sleeping (at a socially acceptable time)

I always fall asleep just before dawn (between half 5 and 6) and then I sleep all day.

Before I broke my foot, when I was working, I had a routine of going to sleep at 11pm/12 and getting up at 7am. So much so that I didn't even need an alarm to waken up. How I miss that now.

There is a real negative energy in my room. How do you know, you may say. Well you can feel it.

A few times this week, the power has gone off in the room. This always happens when everyone else is asleep. The first time I thought it was a storm outside that caused it, but the second time there was no storm.

All I can do is battle through it, but I'd love to know the history of this house, It wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't exactly 'pleasant'

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