Thursday 19 November 2009

Keeping the Ego, but seeing it for what it is.

After my fear last night that the only way to spiritual enlightenment was to destroy the 'Ego', I have fiddled around with the theory to make it more comfortable in my belief system. And I have come up with the solution, as I see it.

Keep the Ego, but see it for what it is.

When we become 'aware' we are in the moment. We can see our thoughts and emotions for what they are. They are NOT us. All of mankind's problems come from not realising this. When an emotion is strong it can take us over, and it can be difficult to seperate our 'real self' from this emotion, which pretends that it is us.

It isn't though.

I have spent the last few days since my Reiki session in some sort of 'in between' world. A lot of the time I have spent sitting. Just sitting.

Yes, thoughts came and went through my head. But I am not my thoughts.

Keeping this consciousness is hard, as we can be easily snared by the traps of the Ego. But when a negative thought surfaces in our head, it is important to detach from it, and see it for what it is.

Letting go of the Ego (and also perhaps, the opening of my throat chakra) hs also led to conversation being more interesting, more stimulating. When conversing, very few of us actually listen. This is due to the endless chattering of the Ego. Part of us is hearing what the other person says, but the majority is thinking of what we are to say next.

When you let go of the Ego, or see it playing its tricks. You stop the chatter. And you actually listen. The effects have been amazing. People are responding to me in such a positive manner, and the simple reason is that is how I am responding to them.

Of course a life-time of bad habit can not be changed in a day, a week, a month, even a year. Its a learning curve.

But all you need to do is sit down and meditate for ten minutes at the end of the day. Close your eyes, watch your thoughts, but do not attach to them. Remember who you are is different from how your Ego constructs you.

You are the blue sky. Your thoughts and emotions are clouds flying past. Do not attach to them. Do not see them as real. They aren't.

I'd like to finish with a quote from a very inspirational blog that I discovered (

The ego, represented by the false creator, or Demiurge, is not something to be defeated, destroyed, relinquished, killed or otherwise done away with, but neither are we meant to indulge in or be ruled by its false beliefs about itself. The ego is an aspect of the self, a tool used for having experiences and interacting with the material world — but when we go to war within ourselves, who wins? No, the ego is to be transmuted by the purifying, alchemichal flames of gnosis; to be balanced and shown its true form by Spirit. This catalyzing process is every individual’s apocolypse, which literally means “unveiling”; a trial by fire that brings forth a whole new creation.

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